Who we are

A passion for designing…


I (Caroline) traded for around 24 years, as a graphic and concept design business. BUT back in 2017 while listening to a radio show, my dad Ken, a retired engineer, became aware of the general public’s rising desire to hang love lock padlocks onto structures all over the globe.

Within six months and after many discussions, models, full size prototypes, testing, consultations and working closely with local manufacturing businesses and Derby University, we completely changed business direction, and have grown into a company that now produces evergreen tree shaped structures/sculptures, to safely and permanently hang love lock padlocks, memorials or tributes on!


We conceived, designed, produce and sell, very high quality structures called ‘Love Lock Trees’.

Key features:

  • Available in two sizes, to safely and permanently accommodate thousands of love lock padlocks, memorials or tributes.
  • Made of steel (galvanised or stainless depending upon which part), so it’s strong and built to last.
  • Can be permanently installed or moveable, should you need to move locations regularly.
  • Work both indoors and outdoors, in most urban, rural or coastal environments.
  • Can be exported all over the world.
  • Can be self assembled within a few days.
  • Comes in many colours and can be customised.
  • Can be used by the young, old, disabled – anyone!


  1. Anyone/any business who may already have uncontrolled hanging of love lock padlocks onto their structures e.g. bridges, railings, etc.  Move the public’s focus from/off current structures and towards our Love Lock Trees (a permanent safe home for padlocks), so preserving currently used love lock structures for future generations to visit and enjoy.
  2. Anyone/any business who would like to tap into the human desire to hang love lock padlocks – but in a controlled and attractive manner. Love locks can be used to generate/encourage tourism – people LOVE to hang love lock padlocks, embrace it, and use them, to draw people to your location, and hang their love lock padlock on a dedicated sculpture – your Love Lock Tree!
  3. Businesses, individuals, charities, event organisers, anybody who would like a fun way to interact with staff, customers, the general public, have your own tree, and have your own padlocks, fundraise or generate an income off your tree. These trees are usually in private locations.


To have Love Lock Trees all over the UK and World, providing a structure for people to safely and permanently hang their love lock padlocks.

Love lock Trees were conceived and designed by Caroline and Ken Massingham, and are manufactured using a local fabrication company.

Made in the UK (Derbyshire) and can be exported around the world.

© Copyright of all plans/drawings/publications/media/website is property of C Massingham.

Love Lock Trees (name and logo) is a Registered Trademark.